'Crocusing' recollects a cultural seasonal theme of 'crocuses pushing through the snow'- a natural occurance that is a hallmark of spring in many temperate climates.

This year, changes in weather patterns, caused many flowers to bud and then freeze-die before actually blooming.

The plastic 'styrofoam' (EPS) material here, used to imply snow, was formerly made with a gas that caused ozone damage. (FYI: This is now no longer the case, and in fact is a highly recyclable material, often used to both lighten soil and replace soil as 'fill' in certain special applications.) These half man-made half-organic pieces also may reflect on the local impact of global interaction with our environment.

In time, the bulbs will sprout and push throuigh the foam surface, effectively performing the 'break through' of springtime.

You are welcome to take this piece with you, should you so desire. If you do, please send an email to the with the number on the piece, and any thoughts on this work or the idea of a changing 'new nature'. Thanks for your participation in this art.

Inscription on Piece: This is an artwork placed in the park for your enjoyment and thoughts. It is a multiple with 12 total pieces placed in 4 parks: central park, prospect park, madison park, and fort tryon park. (...all man-made landscapes designed by Olmsted.)


Coordinates in central park, prospect park, madison park, fort tryon park TBA


Patrick Meagher is a practicing visual artist who studied Conceptual Art as well as Landscape Architecture for his interest in media based sculpture and its interfaces with urban landscape. As a New York native, he has both a strong connection to and interest in the public landscape of New Yorks's unique park system and its cultural significance.



95-99 Harvard University , Graduate School of Design, Cambridge MA
Masters of Landscape Architecture Urbanism

93-94 Kunstakademie Dusseldorf, Germany -Meisterschuler. Professor Alfonso Huppi:Painting, Sculpture. Photo/Video

91-95 Carnegie Mellon University, College of Fine Arts, Pittsburgh PA Bachelor of Fine Arts: Site-Installation-Sculpture


02-02 Retrofit, Lombard Freid Gallery, Curated by Lauri Firstenberg. Photography and Sculpture: Sculptural Installation, C-prints of Styrofoam, Wall Reliefs and a floor piece.

02-02 Riva Gallery, New York,Solo Show, Blandscape and Photage. Digital Photography, Sculptural Reliefs, and Collaborative DVD video. Catalog text by Lauri Firstenberg.

12-01 P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City NY, B- Hotel. 'Sketch Pad' 2001, Animation DVD Loop Curated by Klaus Biesbach and PS1. Contact: Daniel Marzona

12-01 Styro Snow Gift Economy Distribution Performance: project sponsored by 100 Free styrofoam snow art product distribution, with Sze Lin Pang.

11-01 Stefan Stux, New York 'Requiem for the New Economy' 2001. Video Group Show. Patrick Meagher and Dave Shim. Curated by Lauri Firstenberg.

10-01 Artpact 2001, Group Exhibition of New York artists sponsored by the DAAD.

09-01 Riva Gallery, New York : 'Plastic Ecologies' Photo Editions .'Autobahn cut 1' Digital Video DVD : Patrick Meagher and Dave Shim.

06-01 Art|32|Basel, Switzerland : 'Plastic Ecologies' digital projects Multiple of 1000 Free Photo Calendar Cards.

04-01 Folin/Riva Gallery, New York : 'Work' - Curated by Lauri Firstenberg Sculpture- Relics of the 20th Century. Photo works.

11-00 Artists Space, New York : 'Interactive Design Lab'- Curated by Ron Jones. Styroscape 3D Navigable Sculpture, C-prints, Custom Furniture.

08-99 Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York : 'Mixup' Inspired Space: Gel-D Collaborative. Curated by Ron Jones. Conceptual Art Design Product Prototypes.

07-99 The Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York : Windows of International Business Solutions, 'OfficeCommunication' Digital Animation - selected by Sze Lin Pang.

06-99 Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Cambridge - 'Lscapes and Nosmos' - Photage : Digital Photography Layout Prints on Illuminated Mylar 3' x 20'

05-99 Harvard Graduate School of Design Gallery, Cambridge MA.: Landscape Urbanism Theory 'Art/Business/Design Project' - text/image panels 3' x 8'

11-98 Lionheart Gallery, Boston : 'The Documentation of' Digital Photography PhotoBooks 1-3 & 7, 'ANE OFFICE : Event Architecture'

05-98 Lionheart Gallery, Boston : Expanding Universe-Hubbell Telescope Project: Invited Artist Digital Plot Diptych 72" x 120" suspended horizontally from ceiling.



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